Book Review: The Beast Within (Villains #2) by Serena Valentino

 “Only one thing comforted him: he had finally learned what it was to love. And the feeling was deeper and more meaningful than anything he’d felt before. He felt like he was dying. To die, one must have first been alive. And the Beast could finally say that by finding love, he had lived.”

― Serena Valentino, The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince

On July 22, 2014, a book called The Beast Within, which was based on the Beast from the Disney film Beauty and the Beast, was released. From the perspective of the cursed prince, who is changed from an adored and joyful prince into a reclusive and bitter monster in quest of true love, it provides a rendition of the traditional Beauty and the Beast fairy story. 

Synopsis from Goodreads...

A cursed prince sits alone in a secluded castle.

Few have seen him, but those who claim they have say his hair is wild and nails are sharp–like a beast’s! But how did this prince, once jovial and beloved by the people, come to be a reclusive and bitter monster? And is it possible that he can ever find true love and break the curse that has been placed upon him?

My reaction to the novel...

Beauty and the Beast is the fairy tale I love the best. It was absolutely wonderful for me, and it teaches a valuable lesson about love: no matter how you may seem, someone will embrace you for who you really are, and genuine love is able to perceive the beauty of your soul rather than your physical looks. That is why I cherished that fairy tale as a kid; it taught me to appreciate the beauty in everyone and not to judge people based on their appearance. We all possess beauty, and that beauty ought to be within.

When I first saw the Villains Bundle, I was perplexed as to why Beast was included. I was curious since I had never seen him previously as a villain. I thus had the notion when I began the first chapter that it would take place before the prince turned into a beast, and because my assumption turned out to be accurate, I became quite thrilled. I’m interested in learning more about the sort of prince he was and what caused him to transform into a beast. I am aware that his haughtiness was described in books and films, but such descriptions were quite cursory; this book provided a more in-depth account of who he actually was and what transpired of him.

I was really amazed at how Serena Valentino writes her novels. As a fairy tale lover, a story like this is quite shocking to me in many ways. I actually did not see it coming. I was amazed at how the twists and turns came out, just like the bond between Gaston and the Beast. It was really a good turn of events for me. I was also perplexed as to how those three witches performed their tricks and were included in this story. I think they are the most villainous of all the villains. They are so bad, I felt irritation and annoyance every time they were included in the scene, and that made it magical to me.

The beast’s past is really extensive, which is something I truly enjoyed and that all book fans should be aware of. I had no idea that before meeting Belle, he had been with two other women. Tulip’s fate and whether or not she appears in another villain narrative piqued my interest. Circe fascinates me as well. Actually, I am thinking a lot about her, if she is featured in subsequent villain novels. I can say that Valentino did a fantastic job since she keeps me thinking that way, which is a nice stress relief for me.

This book is amazing, and it has made me appreciate the Beauty and the Beast tale even more. It helped me comprehend the beast better, which made me want to see the movie again from a new perspective. I am really thrilled and would love to highly suggest this book to everyone. It will make you feel like a child again since you’ll imagine the fairy tales as though someone were reading and presenting the other side of the story.

My Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨(4.5/5)

“To die, one must first have been alive. And the Beast could finally say that by finding love, he had lived.”

 If you have learnt to love someone, life is meaningful. You will feel that love makes life great and that being in love makes you honorable and human. Even if the majority of us have encountered love, experiencing it completes us.


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