Top 5 Fiction Books To Be Released On April 2023

Our cognitive abilities and the connectivity of our brain networks can be improved by reading fiction, particularly in the left temporal cortex. We may be able to relate to others more effectively, understand them better, and put aside our preconceived notions about certain morals. There are several reasons why people prefer to read fiction, and as a result, many established and up-and-coming authors have written fiction. 

These novels, which will be published in April 2023, are listed under the fiction genre.

1. House of Cotton by Monica Brashears

The meaning of being a poor lady in the God-fearing south is explored in this beautiful, modern Black southern gothic book. Readers of Mexican Gothic and Luster will enjoy this. Monica Brashears' first book, House of Cotton, is dazzling and unexpected on every page, in every scene, and in every line. Truly gratifying reading that is dramatic, captivating, and gripping. This cunning social critique slashes to the heart of the matter like a sheathed dagger. House of Cotton will hold your attention to the very end. On April 4, 2023, Flatiron Books is anticipated to release this book.

2. Carmen and Grace by Melissa Coss Aquino

A colorful and startlingly unique new voice in literature makes her debut with an emotionally compelling coming-of-age drama about two cousins who were recruited into the illegal drug trade at an early age and the unbreakable bonds that connect them as one pursues power and the other looks for a way out. Carmen and Grace will captivate readers right from the initial page with its rawness, intensity of emotion, and heart-pounding narrative because it is as tough and delicate as its primary characters. It's a heartbreakingly intelligent and revealing tale about the ties of female friendship, desire, and new family that serves as a compelling meditation on the decisions made by women and the impact of violence. This book is anticipated to be released on April 4, 2023 by William Morrow & Company.

3. Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler

This poignant first book from a fresh new voice addresses loss and psychological health while reflecting the everlasting essence of what it's like to be young and in love—with your friends, with your city, and with someone who cannot or will not return your love. This book is anticipated to be released on April 18, 2023 by St. Martin's Press.

4. The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa by Stephen Buoro

This debut, brimming with passion and insight, tells the narrative of Andrew Aziza, a one-of-a-kind teen who sets sail on a journey of self-discovery under the backdrop of colonialism and community violence in Nigeria. In The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa, a brilliant, original new literary voice is introduced. This macabre book, which is brimming with energy, offers a fascinating window into current African life, the West's culpability, and the impossibly difficult obstacles of growing up in a tumultuous environment. This book is anticipated to be released on April 18, 2023 by Bloomsbury Publishing.

5. The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher

In this grand debut, a beautiful, queer Palestinian American woman pulls together the mysteries of her great aunt while addressing issues of sexual identity, exile, and genealogy. The Skin and Its Girl is a piercing, beautiful story about desire and identity as well as a thought-provoking investigation of how we use tales to separate, connect, and define us—and even how they might be used to mend a fractured family. Sarah Cypher is one of the few first-time novelists who writes with the skill and flare of an established author. Ballantine Books is slated to release this book on April 25, 2023.


Disclaimer: Booksreadbyhannel is not a business website. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and based only on my own feelings and reactions while reading the books I featured here in my blog. My reviews reflect my utmost sincerity. I paid for the books I review here out of my own pocket. Books provided by authors and publishers are otherwise specified.