Book Review: The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

“My story will be over soon. But it’s not something to be sad about. Remembering those who went ahead. Remembering those who will follow after. And someday, we will meet all those people again, out beyond the horizon”

― Hiro Arikawa

Readers all across the world have been delighted by The Travelling Cat Chronicles, an immediate worldwide and independent bestseller. This book provides voice to Nana the cat and his owner, Satoru, as they go to see three of Satoru's lifelong friends. The written material is straightforward but vivid. Or so Nana has been told... 

Nana is the ideal friend for the guy who took him in as a stray because of his crooked tail, which is a symbol of good fortune, and his adventurous nature. Additionally, they will discover the true meaning of bravery and appreciation, loyalty and love as they go throughout Japan in a silver van among its constantly shifting seasons and landscape.

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Sometimes you have to leave behind everything you know to find the place you truly belong...

Nana the cat is on a road trip. He is not sure where he's going or why, but it means that he gets to sit in the front seat of a silver van with his beloved owner, Satoru. Side by side, they cruise around Japan through the changing seasons, visiting Satoru's old friends. He meets Yoshimine, the brusque and unsentimental farmer for whom cats are just ratters; Sugi and Chikako, the warm-hearted couple who run a pet-friendly B&B; and Kosuke, the mournful husband whose cat-loving wife has just left him. There's even a very special dog who forces Nana to reassess his disdain for the canine species.

But what is the purpose of this road trip? And why is everyone so interested in Nana? Nana does not know and Satoru won't say. But when Nana finally works it out, his small heart will break...

My reaction to this novel...

Actually, I am not a big fan of cats. They frighten me. Any person who has always owned a cat, on the other hand, will be affected by this wonderfully evoked cat ride.

What else could I say about the story? It’s a narrative about development (both human and cat), part abstract fiction, half satire, all placed in the backdrop of a lovely trip story.

The Traveling Cat Chronicles’ organization is deceptively simple. With third-person substitutions and a representation of Nana the cat, followed by a tour over a nicely imagined setting. While it may seem absurd, The Traveling Cat Chronicles provides insight into a cat’s thoughts. This cat is quite probably the most fascinating and unique character I have ever read about. A typically touching narrative gains a humorous element from Nana. Reading Nana’s ongoing commentary on the behavior of everyone around him is hilarious and provides an enlightening perspective on all the ridiculous things humans do when they are in the presence of cats.

While the reader is fortunate to hear Nana’s thoughts directly, Satoru, his partner, must decode them through his catlike companion’s behaviors. This pair is a great combination in certain aspects, more so than some other two characters I’ve discovered, despite the fact that they are not from the same species and do not speak in the same language. There’s something really human about their relationship, and I couldn’t imagine one without the other.

For the most of the novel, I’m not sure why Satoru and Nana are on this voyage together. Nonetheless, because the tale is so well-crafted, this didn’t bother me at all. I was merely happy to be invited for the sake of personal amusement.

This book is actually amazing to read. It’s obvious that this is a remarkable tale. We need literature that makes us feel. Although some readers may find the book’s depictions of horrifying events to be overly spectacular, it doesn’t escape being realistic. You should take your time reading this story and savor each and every word. You’ll be able to grasp this if you’re a cat person, on the odd chance. Even if cats aren’t your thing, you’ll still like this since Satoru and Nana’s bond has a really universal human quality that everyone can relate to.

All I can say is that i highly recommend this novel to everyone out there.

My Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐(4/5)

“Life doesn't always work out the way you think it will.”

Life is really erratic. What comes next is always a mystery. Regardless of the outcome, we can only have confidence in God that everything will work out for the best so that we may grasp what will happen to us and see the glory of God.

Where to buy this book...


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