Gypsy Rose Blanchard's Jail Release and The Launch of Her New Book

Golden Meadow, a little Louisianan village on the Bayou Lafourche, is where Blanchard was born. Not long after she was born, her father Rod and mother Clauddine were divorced. Clauddine, a nurse's assistant known by her nickname Dee Dee, started complaining that her toddler daughter was ill. Dee Dee kept up the pretense with others by keeping her in a wheelchair and misled her for years about her physical and mental disabilities. Blanchard believed she was suffering from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, among other terrible illnesses.

Dee Dee convinced doctors to conduct needless treatments on the grounds that the medical records had been lost after Hurricane Katrina.

Godejohn and Blanchard finally linked via a Christian dating app, and the two had a close online relationship for years before coming up with a murderous plot that was carried out in 2015. After entering a guilty plea to second-degree murder in 2016, Blanchard received the minimum 10-year jail sentence for the offense. In 2018, she provided testimony in Godejohn's murder trial, whereby he was convicted of first-degree murder and armed criminal action. Later on, he received a life sentence without the chance of release. On December 28, Blanchard was freed on parole after completing 85% of her sentence.

Blanchard, 32, has been in the news again after she was released on parole following a more than eight-year prison sentence for second-degree murder. Over the last several weeks, she has shared what she calls the cautionary story of her life through a plethora of media appearances and updates on her social media pages.

A new e-book titled "Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom" has been produced by Blanchard, which includes excerpts from conversations she had while detained at Missouri's Chillicothe Correctional Center along with personal writings written by Blanchard. Her own photographs, paintings, and recollections of her family's history are all included in the 200-page narrative.

Co-written by editor Michele Matrisciani and Emmy-nominated executive producer Melissa Moore, the e-book interweaves conversations Blanchard had with Moore while she was detained, including every phone hang-up and automated message from the prison. During the talks, Blanchard talked on how difficult it was for her to develop her identity while incarcerated and deal with her traumatic history. She talked about how she came to terms with a lot of the things she had previously accepted as normal, including taking adult baths with her mother, and about the lies she had been fed over the years.

*Resource: Washington Post


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